Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So it begins....

So, here I am. Writing a blog in which I'm openly admitting my struggles with my weight. I'm not being negative in this sense, I am being honest. I need to be honest with myself and see where I need to improve in order to reach my goals. And I mean, what better way to do that than share all my failures on the internet...(Great idea, Jenn.)

Actually, I got the idea from a friend of mine who also has had troubles with weight loss. She has a blog as well and lists her struggles so that she can be totally open about it. I thought it was an awesome idea. Even if no one ever reads this, it's there for me to read back on and see where I went wrong.

Although, this blog isn't all about my weight, but also other things I'm going through. However, most of them stem back to my weight and how it affects other aspects of my life. This just shows me that I need to lose more weight to feel more comfortable in my skin.

I'm getting married in September and my dress is a bit snug. I'm confident I can lose the weight before then, (whereas it's only a few pounds I need to lose) I'm just afraid of not being able to keep it off. My fiance, Mike, and I eat fairly decent, with an occasional treat. However, this week, we went out for ice cream (which we haven't done in a very long time). That was Saturday and now it's Tuesday and I still feel crappy. I've realized this is the second time I've gone out for ice cream this year and my stomach couldn't deal with it. So apparently I'm partially lactose intolerant. Yay.

I've been unemployed for over a month now. I'm broke and can't afford to eat as healthy as I'd like. That doesn't mean that I only get junk food, it's just that I get the same stuff all the time. Good thing is that Mike and I have cut red meat, pork, ham and all that junk out of our diet. We still eat chicken and fish but that's about it.

Anyway, I spend a lot of my time looking for recipes that are cheap and healthy. As I find some I will add them here.

I'm also getting more into finding information on my family tree. I've been doing a ton of research and have found a lot of info. Actually found some of my distant relatives at a local cemetery yesterday, and I'm going to the local town hall for more info. It's just cool to know what your family was like 100 years ago. A hundred years from now, my relatives will find this......Ugh.


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