Unbelievably, just since my post yesterday I have dropped 2 lbs! I'm not really sure how I did it, but I did! Yesterday was somewhat of a slow day, exercise wise anyway. I worked a lot on re-typing what I had of my family tree. This was quite the task. I have a binder that had been in my great grandmother's house for years and Mom took it when my Nana passed away in 2000. So this book hadn't been worked on since the mid-70s. I wasn't even in the family tree yet. A bunch of people weren't in it. So this required gathering more information such as birthdays, birth places, spouses birthdays and birthplaces. All I can say is thank God for Facebook.
I suppose you could say I got some exercise in when I walked around a local cemetery to see if I could find one of my distant relatives and get a picture of the stone for the binder. The cemetery was huge and there were a lot of old stones in the back that had broken or had just worn away. I was still looking around when the large gusts of wind started and the sky got really dark. I started back to my car (which was all the way at the other end of the cemetery) then it started raining. I was full on running back to my car as the sky grew darker. Then the rain just stopped and everything was still for a moment. I got into my car and got some awesome pictures of the sky. Soon after the downpour began and I decided it was time to head home.
So I headed home and being on the back roads, I had some great opportunities for pictures of the storm.
It was a pretty good storm. I was drenched by the time I got home, and I hadn't found the stone at the cemetery that I was looking for, but it was still an interesting outing.
So, going back to my diet and exercise. I did well yesterday as far as not eating a lot of bad foods. A little cottage cheese with fresh herbs for breakfast, hummus wrap for lunch, and a black bean wrap for dinner. I had a few popsicles last night, but other than I did okay.
Mike said I should explain to you guys how I came up with the blog name "Pleasantly Obese". It all started a few years back when my sister had been having problems losing weight after the birth of my niece. She went to her doctor and they did a few tests and found out she had a thyroid problem. They gave her medication and she started to be able to just shed the pounds.
I thought, "Hmm...we are related, maybe it's a genetic thing". So I went to my doctor and had tests done. The results came back and my doctor told me I had a normal thyroid. To which I replied "Oh, then I'm just fat." He then proceeded to tell me I was morbidly obese. Ok, now, I know I am quite a bit overweight, and at the time I was probably 30- 40 lbs heavier than I am now. But MORBIDLY obese? Come on.
So, I told Mike this story, and we kinda chuckled about how far off the doctor was, and I stated that "I'm not fat, I'm just pleasantly obese."
And to end this entry, I'd like to add a picture of me when I was the most fit and when I was at my heaviest...
Me at my Graduation party in 2001. |
Me with Jamie Bamber from Battlestar Galactica at MegaCon 2007. |